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Legal notices

**Legal Notice - Declaration of Activity:**

1. **Owner's Information:**

   - Common name of the site owner: Karl-Emerik Robert
   - Professional address: 112 avenue de Varsovie 16000 Angoulême
   - Phone number:
   - Declaration number: U8607W031583
   - Trade name: LV3D
   - Brand: LV3D
   - Siret: 410 460 059 00026
   - Siren: 410 460 059
   - VAT number: FR12410460059
   - Registration with RCS: (R.C.S Angoulême)
   - Registration date: 20/08/20
   - Start date of activity: 08/09/2015

   In accordance with intellectual property regulations, Mr. Karl-Emerik Robert, residing at 112 avenue de Varsovie in Angoulême, is the rightful owner of the LV3D brand, published in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property under the national number: 20 47 10 561, a protected trademark.

2. **Site Presentation:**

   In accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy, the following individuals are identified in the creation and maintenance of

   - Owner: Karl-Emerik Robert
   - Site Creator: Masquelier Orféo
   - Publishing Managers: Karl-Emerik Robert
   - Marketing Manager: Karl-Emerik Robert
   - Sales Manager: Karl-Emerik Robert
   - Hosting:

3. **General Conditions of Use:**

   Use of implies full acceptance of the specified terms. Conditions may be modified; users are advised to check regularly. The site is generally accessible, with possible interruptions for technical maintenance.

4. **Description of Provided Services:** provides information about the company's activities. While efforts are made for accuracy, LV3D is not responsible for omissions or inaccuracies. Information is indicative and subject to change.

5. **Technical Data Limitations:**

   The site uses JavaScript technology. LV3D is not responsible for any material damage related to site use. Users commit to accessing the site with up-to-date, virus-free equipment.

6. **Intellectual Property and Counterfeits:**

   LV3D owns intellectual property rights to all elements on the site. Reproduction or modification without written permission is prohibited and may lead to legal action.

7. **Limitations of Liability:**

   LV3D is not responsible for direct or indirect damages caused by user equipment or site use. Interactive spaces may be moderated, and LV3D reserves the right to remove content that violates applicable laws.

8. **Management of Personal Data:**

   User data collection complies with French laws. Users have the right to access, rectify, and oppose their data use. No personal information is published, exchanged, or sold to third parties. In case of acquisition, data transmission is subject to the same obligations.

9. **Hyperlinks and Cookies:** contains authorized hyperlinks to other sites. LV3D is not responsible for external site content. The site uses cookies for navigation and audience measurement. Users can configure their browsers to refuse cookies.

10. **Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:**

    Any dispute related to is subject to French law, with exclusive jurisdiction granted to the competent courts of Paris.

11. **Main Applicable Laws:**

    - Law No. 78-87 of January 6, 1978, amended by Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, related to information technology, files, and freedoms.
    - Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy.

12. **Glossary:**

    - **User:** Internet user connecting to and using the mentioned site.
    - **Personal Information:** "Information allowing, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of the natural persons to whom it applies" (Article 4 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).

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